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Autorius Žinutė
 Pranešimo tema: More on the 841 flooded cars
StandartinėParašytas: Lie 20 2011, 20:46 

Užsiregistravo: Bir 20 2011, 21:11
Pranešimai: 5
I got this reply from Regitra. It seems that nobody from Citroen/Peugeot has contacted them so they have taken no action. Citroen might have contacted your Minsitry of Transport (they haven't replied to my email yet) although they might have just filed the letter under 'bin' as they don't have much to do with vehicles.
Unfortunately here in Slovakia the Ministry of Transport is still trying to get all of the cars affected off the roads, even ones like mine which has had an expert examination and has been proven not to have been flooded!

Dear Dan Saunders,

Hello. State Representative Regitra which is National vehicle licence authority in Lithuania has not been contacted by Citroen/Peugeot.
Kind regards,

Marius Navickas
State Enterprise REGITRA
Liepkalnio g. 97
LT-02121 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 266 0432
Fax.: +370 5 266 0423

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Visos datos yra Array Etc/GMT-2

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